Violent Acts of Beauty

"One of the Hottest Bands ever is out with this burning hot kickass CD,
LAM is this webmasters fix that keeps her goin on and on working on the Blood Dragons sites,check this out and you will be an addict too,I promise!LAMfans leave your comments down at this page,let us know what you think about the new Cd,you did get it ,didnt you ?
Muuuhaa,you can still get it rite here !!Just scroll down and order it,mmm but hey read Seans words first you scumbag....."
by Sean Brennan of London After Midnight, written as a video introduction for live concerts

Sean Brennan
(FYI-no leather clothing)
( Webmasters comment to the reader;
Stop drooling,your computer will be damaged)
We are living in a time of great despair. Our governments are run by the corrupt and by corporations whose goal is to keep us ignorant and apathetic. Our media is controlled by these entities with profit driven agendas. These agendas run contrary to our best interests.
Vast numbers of people live in great poverty while the privileged few manipulate world events and use the poor for their own gain, destroying our planet and our future in the process. Media sells you what they want you to consume and oppresses all opposition - and oppresses the truth. A handful of large mega-corporations own most news and media outlets, limiting our choices and suffocating free speech. We are being manipulated and lied to.
We are sold images of life that prop up dysfunctional societal concepts and only feed the wallets of the power hungry elite. Many of our elected officials are ineffective and many of us do not even care. Vast numbers of people eligible to vote do not vote. Many choose to remain ignorant rather than face the truth about the world they inhabit, which prevents them from effecting change.
We are living in a pre-fascist state and many people welcome this New World Order, having been brainwashed to worship self, ignorance, and vanity rather than the pursuit of truth, compassion and evolution. We are sheep being led to the slaughter and many are willfully ignorant of their procession.
Do you want to be told who you should hate, who you can love, what is truth and what to think? Do you want others to make your decisions or would you like to shape the world you live in? We have power.
We are headed down a dark path and salvation seems hopeless. We will be doomed unless we, the people, join together and take control, beat down our oppressors, make our voices heard and base our existence on the concepts of freedom, intellectual enlightenment and evolution.
So comrades, now is the time to overthrow our fascist leaders. This is our last chance to change the world for the better. You can make a difference if you try. If the people unite, the Fascist Power Elite will be faced with overwhelming opposition and will be forced from their self appointed thrones.
You are the r/evolution
mega-corporations own most news and media outlets, limiting our choices and suffocating free speech. We are being manipulated and lied to.
We are sold images of life that prop up dysfunctional societal concepts and only feed the wallets of the power hungry elite. Many of our elected officials are ineffective and many of us do not even care. Vast numbers of people eligible to vote do not vote. Many choose to remain ignorant rather than face the truth about the world they inhabit, which prevents them from effecting change.
We are living in a pre-fascist state and many people welcome this New World Order, having been brainwashed to worship self, ignorance, and vanity rather than the pursuit of truth, compassion and evolution. We are sheep being led to the slaughter and many are willfully ignorant of their procession.
Do you want to be told who you should hate, who you can love, what is truth and what to think? Do you want others to make your decisions or would you like to shape the world you live in? We have power.
We are headed down a dark path and salvation seems hopeless. We will be doomed unless we, the people, join together and take control, beat down our oppressors, make our voices heard and base our existence on the concepts of freedom, intellectual enlightenment and evolution.
So comrades, now is the time to overthrow our fascist leaders. This is our last chance to change the world for the better. You can make a difference if you try. If the people unite, the Fascist Power Elite will be faced with overwhelming opposition and will be forced from their self appointed thrones.
You are the r/evolution.Written by Sean B.
A message from Sean Brennan on being vegan:
I have been a vegan for most of my life for a variety of reasons, all of which are sound and valid reasons that should convince any rational person to switch to a vegan diet. But sometimes people don't want to hear the scientific, environmental or humanitarian reasons why a vegan diet is better for the planet and themselves (not to mention the animals). So opening those people's eyes to the basic reality and horror of the meat industry is the only course of action, as most people are ignorant of this aspect, or chose to ignore it.
Anyone who eats meat or consumes dairy products must watch this video. If you do not watch this video yet continue eating meat, then you are no better than a person who, for example, votes for George Bush (or supports another horrible person/institution/practice) without knowing or ignoring the facts- someone who simply refuses to investigate the ramifications of their actions (and anyone who knows the facts about Bush would not support him).
In other words, people who consume animal products (or make decisions on politics, etc) without knowing the facts, without being informed, are fully responsible for the consequences of those actions, even the negative ones. For example, since 120,000 innocent Iraqis have been killed in Iraq since Bush's war began, who do we blame if not the people who handed Bush power and cheered on his bogus war? If people support the meat industry, they support brutal, harmful, wasteful and unnecessary cruelty towards animals and towards poor people in developing countries, as well. When farming meat we waste irreplaceable natural resources that could be used to feed starving nations (up to 30,000 people die per day due to starvation). So when you consume meat or dairy products, you support this horror, just like when people support Bush/republicans they support corruption, war, racism and brutality. Knowledge is power.
I am not judging anyone, I am simply asking you to KNOW what the meat/dairy industry is all about before you support it. Watch this short video or admit that you just do not care about unimaginable violence committed towards animals.
Written By Sean B.

"The Blood Dragons Coffins Comments to this:
Believe this or not but theres Vegan Vampires,due to the fact an animal cant consent to be nor eaten or drawn blood from..
Remember also this;"
Blood is Our Food.But Feed In Safe Ways.Know Your Donor.Get Regular Health Checkups.Only Feed With Your Donors Permission. A Permission From An Underaged,Insane,ILL or Dead Person Is Never A Permission."
An animal cant give a permission!
Furlovers,shame on you,theres fine artificial furcoats made today,we dont live 100 yrs ago
If you got troubles finding shoes and boots ,well hey we can tell you where to buy vegan made footwear !
And no I didnt say that LAM are vampyres!!!"
Check out what LAM got for us all;
Violent Acts of Beauty Number ONE Seller and shipping NOW in Europe and US! LAM on Tour NOW!
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