The Blood Dragons Coffin

Welcome to The Blood Dragons Coffin Ezine.
This Ezine has no deadlines,no monthly issues,we work when we feel like,when we have time ,when ppl we interwiev or make fanpages for have time.You will simply have to check in from time to time to see whats new here,we plan to have a steady slow updating goin on nor will we take articles down in a rush...some news never gets too old and more than this none of us gets paid for this,nor do we pay anyone taking part of this ongoin project,we do this because we like to do it,
Many of the articles here are open for comments.But we ask that you mind your manners if you comment.
The Blood Dragons Coffin is a subsite of The Blood Dragons Castle.The Sites are owned By The Order of The Blood Dragon.
The Blood Dragons Coffin Board is the forum where news and articles can be discussed.
Link to this Forum is found at the header !(or where you can post shorter articles in another way.)Display your art,photos,poems and so on.
We dont claim to obtain copyright of any that you submit to our site.But we do have copyright on our own work.
We got room for Other vampyresites to publish and promote their stuff,for bands,individuals and much more.We stand for communication beteewn us all and for increasing the understanding and acceptance of especially Vampyres,Otherkin, Goths,EMO's and various other subcultures.
The Blood Dragons Coffin doesnt set up fanpages without informing the Artist about it.
Artists have as much right as everyone else to know whats said and written about them.
Any artist,performer etc can at any time feel free to contact us about their fanpages and articles done about them here at the Blood Dragons Coffin,we are not here to offend or harm anyone.
We do also have the nerve to send your comments to them.Some artists/performers/bands consent to answers fan questions ,others dont,so dont waste your time by asking questions in commentboxes if it isnt clear that the artist/ performer/bands are willing to answer your questions.
We are offering room for Bands,Artists,Performers,Vampire Covens,Houses,Temples,Clans; a forum on Our Boards if they dont have time to do a board of their own or want to get their messages out in max places..same goes for leaders in other subcultures....
This may sound strange to you? The Order of The Blood Dragon is dedicated to help communication beteewn us all.
We also invite members to take an active part of our community.
The Order of The Blood Dragon doesnt offer advertising space to anyone just...we are a nonprofit project,if we allow advertising direct or indirectly its only because the person or group offer something that helps our subcultures to survive ,exist or they are part of these subcultures,So by other words ,sorry no we cant sell you unless we contacted you our selves or by request of members or you belong to the above...
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Copyright ©2007-2008 The Order Of The Blood Dragon.All rights reserved